
*TR*i*P3*A*rt*: STREET MUSiC / SOKAK MüZiĞi: BUSKiNG (ya da "Bas King!")



2 Saat Çaldım/
i played 2 hourz

Tünel'de Cadde'de Dün Gece/
sterday nite at the Tünel Square on Street
oraya varmadan evvel rasgele bi 100 kişiye sms atdım, 
"Toplu Mesaj: Tünel'de caddede çalmaya çalışcağm.. beni görmek/dinlemek isteyen, yolu ordan gececek olanlara duyurulur.. Slm&svg&syg, Nazmikırmızısı" diye../

b4 i arrived there, i have sent out sms messagez 2 a 100 random personz, sayin' "Mass sms: I'll try 2 play on street at the Tünel Square.. 4 the in4mation of thoze who wanna meet me/listen 2 my playin', and whoze road will pass that point by.. Peace&love&respect, Thenazmired" ..

Ne Polis ne de Zabıta 
neither the copz nor the fuzz ain't say
'GET UP MAN, don't act az if U were an Artist',

garibime gitdi/

hala inanamıyorum/
still can't believe.

birkaç kez daha denemem lazım bi ombeş seksendokuzbin kere/
gotto try that some more time like a fifteen eightyninethouzand timez..

'Peyote'-Hasan uzakdan gözbebekleriyle selam verdi/
'Peyote'-Hasan sayed 'hi!' with hiz pupilz, from a distance..

Siya Siyabend'in eski üyesi, halen Alatav'la faal 
'Dede'-Murat uğradı, hem lafladık, hep özleşiriz, dünya şekeri adam../
A former member of Siya Siyabend and currently active with Alatav, 'Dede'-Murat came by, had a short chat also, alwayz uze 2 miss eachother, such a worldwide sugar man..

Seda & Kaveh geldiler, hem sohbetleşdik, hem şarkılarımı dinlediler../
Seda & Kaveh came, we talked and they listened 2 my songz..

SANSüRLENDi*-den ısmarladığınız Kahve için teşekkürler!/
thanx 4 the coffee U bought from *CENZURED*!)

sonra bir ana-kız geldi, "Birbirimizden ayrıyız, azcık görüşebildik, çok mutluyuz, bize uygun bir şarkı çalar mısın?" dediler, Hasret'i çaldım, çok duygulandılar../
then a mom came with her daughter, and they said
"we're far apart from eachother and came 2 gether 4 just a short while, we're actually very happy right now, don't U have any song which would go down well on us?", i played Hasret ('Longing'), and they were very moved..

*TR*i*P3*A*rt*: STREET MUSiC / SOKAK MüZiĞi: BUSKiNG (ya da "Bas King!")

STREET MUSiC / SOKAK MüZiĞi: BUSKiNG (ya da "Bas King!")

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==> :: Freedom 4 Streetmusic/Busking! :: Sokak Müziği'ne Özgürlük! ::  <==

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Barış Manço on Wikipedia

Barış Manço on Wikipedia

"Barış Manço (also spelled Baris Mancho in some European album releases) (January 2, 1943 - January 31, 1999) was a Turkish rock singer, composer, and television producer.[1] He composed about 200 songs, some of which were translated into a variety of languages including English, Japanese, Greek, Italian, Bulgarian, Romanian,Persian, Urdu and Arabic.[2] He remains one of the most popular public figures of Turkey....."


Sanat meanz Art, Sanatizm meanz Artizm..

Pleaze CLiCK on THiZ LiNK 
4 the:

Free Art Sharing & Communication Zone where U can share anything U like:
Photoz, Videoz, Poemz, ..Concert Announcementz.. Anything!;)

(Sanat iz the turkish word 4 ART.
.. - Sanatizm meanz ARTiZM.)

Pleaze join, and Njoy!;)


ViΩLeT ft. gurur ardan - IRMAK

1st collector for ViΩLeT ft. gurur ardan - IRMAK
Follow my videos on vodpod

ücretsiz 'IRMAK' mp3 indirme linki (download 'IRMAK' mp3 4 free):


(Buse için..)

Masumiyet Kavramını Unutan
Sahteliklerle Çevrildiği Anda Bitti Aslında
Susamışçasına Soyunan Ruhlar

Kavrulan Alevlerin Arasında Kalan Bedenlerde Mi Aranmalıydı Kader?

Yoksa Beyaz Sularla Çevrili Surların Altında Çukurlar Kazarak
Ulaşılmalı Mıydı Hayal Edilen Melekler Şehrine?


Red Black Project - Waitin' 4 Lillith

‎.. a ViΩLeT SideProject:
.. thanx 2 Bubu 4 the video!!! ;)

'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız: Guitarz & Rythmwritingz, 'Bigwolf' Mesut Almalı: Bass, Music by 'Bigwolf' Mesut Almalı, Recorded with great techn. assist. and hosting by: Onur Hacet (2010, Küçükçekmece/Istanbul)

Download "Waitin' 4 Lillith" (MP3) 4 FREE: http://snd.sc/dsoE7r


Cove still runs Red: Jan 18th 2011

"Winner of audience awards across the world, including Sundance, SilverDocs and Hot Docs, the feature documentary The Cove follows a team of activists and filmmakers as they infiltrate a heavily-guarded cove in Taiji, Japan.."
>> click 2 read MORE.. <<
