
kRasNi siRius a.k.a. 'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız - #HiÇ1PaRTi ft. ‪@gazatechnic‬ (AI-Extended)

Dk. 0:00 - 03:33 = söz, beste, aranje, icrâ: | lyrics, compozition, arrangement, per4mance:

'kRasNi siRius

a.k.a. 'Kırmızı' Nazmi Akyıldız



(*Ev kaydı | Homerecording 

- rap & kayda teknik asist: 

Özer Çevikel 


- berivokal: 

Yunus İşli 

- klavyeyle zıpzıplayan tıntınlar: yeğenim Onur Ozan Yalçın 

- LINK) ]

Dk. 03:33'den itibâren | Starting from 03:33 =  Suno AI_  

(Söz | Lyrics: Suno AI & 'kRasNi siRius

a.k.a. 'Kırmızı' Nazmi Akyıldız)


Translation of the lyrics:

- #NoPoliticalPartiezAtAll -

- 0:00 - 03:33: -

Let there be no political party left at all!

Let no one be a leader!

Let every1 be equal!

Let every1 be free!

Gaza Technic: 


Nazmi Agha playz from string 2 string

We R artistz, man, but the pot iz empty

Capital knocks people down

Pay your debt, work, modern slave!

They make roadz 4 your car by burning down the forestz

They all live in palacez by taxing U

Inside the metrobus it'z alwayz jam-packed

U try 2 get on it, pushing and shoving

The voice from the election bus spoilz my recording

The partizanz go more and more astray

'Gezi' spoilz the game every time

Very dangerous, the gamble with life

The future of the country getz overthrown with a kick

The uni4med can never know the truth

People like us write everything down without fear

No more money, no more political partiez at all!"

Let there be no political party left at all!

End the Monetary System!

Let there be no political party left at all!

End the Political System!

Let there be no political party left at all!

Let no one be a leader!

Let every1 be equal!

Let every1 be free!

- Starting from 03:33 -

Fake lightz in their eyez

So-called elitez who have become pawnz

They R fighting, fighting 4 the throne

Justice? Who needz it anyway

Let there be no political party left at all!

We remained silent while the world burned

We were lost among the screamz

So-called leaderz alwayz sell liez

Their heartz R cold, their soulz R 4 sale

Let there be no political party left at all!

Let no one be a leader!

The world waitz and remainz silent

Hope diminishez with every step

Innocentz die az the sun setz

2morrowz disappear in the dark

Let there be no political party left at all!

Let no one be a leader!

Let every1 be equal!

Even if they sit at the table, it iz uzeless

There iz alwayz a vapor in the perspective

Where R the truths, who looks 4 it

Wordz R just 4 the stage

Truths R alwayz covered up

The "America" ​​threat iz alwayz uzed

Who diez in this endless cycle, who makes peace

Let there be no political party left at all!

Let no one be a leader!

Let everyone be equal!

The world waitz and remainz silent

Hope diminishez with every step

Innocentz die az the sun setz

2morrowz disappear in the dark

Puppetz R turning around on the stage

Politicianz' gamez never end

While the world iz stuck between liez

Our handz R tied, there iz no light

Silent screamz echo in the void

Heartz R crushed, they no longer hope 4 help

Handz under the stone R deep

Only the truth savez us

Even if they sit at the table, it iz uzeless

4 whom 2 fight, whoze right

There iz alwayz a vapor in the perspective

Where R the truths, who looks 4 it

Wounded soulz unite fearlessly

Dirty gamez alwayz end in the end

There iz justice, it never disappearz in the dark

If we R strong, no storm can stop it

The world waitz and remainz silent

Hope diminishez with every step

Innocentz die az the sun setz

2morrowz disappear in the dark

Let there be no political party left at all!

Let no one be a leader!

Let every1 be equal!

Let every1 be free!

The world waitz and remainz silent

Hope diminishez with every step

Innocentz die az the sun setz

2morrowz disappear in the dark


'kRasNi siRius

a.k.a. 'Kırmızı' Nazmi Akyıldız video playlist:


#HiÇ1PaRTi | #NoPoliticalPartiezAtAll video playlist:




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