
kRasNi siRius a.k.a. 'Kırmızı' N. A. - HAYATTA İMKÂNSIZ DiYE ... (AI-Extended)

 (Scroll down 4 English)

Dk. 0:00 - 03:12 = ✏️&🎶:

kRasNi siRius a.k.a. 'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız


vokal & gitar:

kRasNi siRius a.k.a. 'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız

ritm & bas & klavye altyapı & ritmgitar, kayda evsâhipliği & teknik asist:

 'KaraGüneş'-Özgür Yalçın

[ (2005) - LINK ]

Starting min. 03:12 = AI-Extended with  @Suno_ai_  


Translation of the lyrics:



There iz nothing impossible in life, not even 4 a moment

Even calligrapherz express this in calligraphy 


My name iz 'Kırmızı'* 

I have never loved a girl other than U

I don't look at any other love

Say, Kara Güneş** 

The starz come out at night, they say

And there'z also knowing this

The rest iz winter


That'z outside

Cold shower

The sea iz warm

Both light

The sky iz clear

I am small

The rest iz meaningless and that'z nice

A gnawing pain, from hiz back 2 hiz marrow

Say Cat, izn't there a cure 4 this?

Should we ask some1?




Pilgrim, sister, mistress

Wear the crown

Climber of a steep hill 

Of a slope

Pajama Man

Stay straight

Stand straight

Hit eight


There iz nothing impossible in life, not even 4 a moment

Even calligrapherz express this in calligraphy


Love, love, why

Virus haz entered the headz

Theze R not warz at all


Lifestyle, stance, and dot

The mechanic apprentice kept looking from below


Of the egg, 2 the yoghurt, of the cake

In the bushez

Slippery when wet


Basket, market

The traffic light showz red

Go, come when fine

All yang and yin

Peking duck

Sack, Rain

Who said "no"?

How many this time?

Unlawful act

Also the beating U received


There iz nothing impossible in life, not even 4 a moment

Even calligrapherz express this in calligraphy



(**Black Sun, name of Özgür Yalçın'z band and also hiz nickname)]


kRasNi siRius


'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız video playlist:





kRasNi siRius a.k.a. 'Kırmızı' N. A. - O.Y.Y.Y.A. [Oturduğu Yerden Yorum Yapan Adam (AI-Extended)]

 ‌[🎶: kRasNi siRius


‌'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız 


‌Dk. | min. 0:00 - 01:20 = 06.08.2022'de "O.Y.Y.Y.A. (OTURDUĞU YERDEN YORUM YAPAN ADAM)" başlığıyla yaptığım video | The video called "The Man Who Commentz From Where He Sitz", which I made az a reaction 2 people who say "don't comment from where you sit!", az if it would make any difference from where or in what pozition we make our commentz:) ...

‌Dk. | min. 01:20 - 02:40 = sırf videoya fon müziği olması niyetiyle yaptığım, dolayısıyla adı da bu yüzden yine "O.Y.Y.Y.A." olan enstrümantal parça | the instrumental piece that I made with the sole intention of uzing it az background music 4 the video, hence the name "O.Y.Y.Y.A.", translated "T.M.W.C.F.W.H.S. (The Man Who Commentz From Where He Sitz)"

‌Starting from min. 02:40 = AI-Extended with Suno AI


‌kRasNi siRius


‌'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız video playlist:




kRasNi siRius a.k.a. 'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız - ALL THE MOUNTAINZ (AI-Extended)

 Dk. | min. 0:00 - 03:54 = ✏️&🎶:

kRasNi siRius


'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız


[ LINK - Homerecording, 28.11.2023

Küçükçekmece - İstanbul 🇹🇷 ]

Starting from min. 03:54 = AI-Extended with Suno AI 


Şarkının sözlerinin Türkçe çevirisi:


Duvardaki resimleri gördüm

Hikâyelerini okudum

Yatağı yaptım

Kedine dokundum

Endişelenmeye gerek var mı?

Tüm o dağlar

Tüm o dağlar

Tüm o dağlar

Hâlâ büyüyorlar

Evet, evet, evet 

Tüm o söylediklerin

Verdiğin tüm o konserler

Ödediğin tüm o hesaplar

Söylediğin tüm şarkılar

Tüm o dağlar

Tüm o dağlar

Tüm o dağlar

Hâlâ büyüyorlar

Evet, evet, evet


kRasNi siRius


'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız video playlist:




kRasNi siRius a.k.a. 'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız - DEĞiRMEN (AI-Extended)

Dk. | min. 0:00 - 06:24 = ✏️&🎶:

kRasNi siRius


'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız

(1993 - 1999)

[ LINK ]



Kayda ev sahipliği ve teknik asist:

Koray Altınöz

Starting from min. 06:24 = AI-Extended with Suno AI


Translation of the lyrics:


The mill, the mill

The mill, the mill (Repeat)

Spring wantz 2 cover, let it, the exhausted, lost fairytalez

Winter haz put the lie 2 rout

No matter how much summer haz written, look

What we call autumn wazn't the last spring

Locustz and Judas treez R separated becauze of grudgez

And it questionz

A bunch of snowdrops split the stonez

Let'z bring babiez

Let them be cure

Let them merge

Let them unite, let them come 2gether... the broken breaths

Let them cling 2gether

Then let them take wingz

Then let them welcome The Throne of the Almighty

Let them impregnate them


Let it integrate with the earth, with the style of the whole

Wherever U look there R cloudz, wherever U run there R cloudz

And the cloudz say:

"Wherever we look, it iz U, wherever we flow, it iz U!

Where, if U only knew, where do U belong 2!”

Then the rotten disperse 1 by 1

And again a floor iz laid

Birth happenz

And a smile, my roze


That iz the precipitation

And an assimilation iz death


That iz the embroidery

Now look, even I am at the end like a flood, like U

I became a plant, I exhausted

I became itz look, I dripped

The drop now dancez on thornz

Raks-ı Bismil, know


- Love -

Life gainz meaning through love

Love iz a colorful and living energy that makes life rize 2 God

Love iz open 2 every human being, like a day that haz rizen again

Love iz "My Address 2 My Human Being Who Haz Become Human"

Love iz specific 2 the human being who haz become human

The human being who iz in the process of becoming human iz in a search around Love

He iz a moth

The human being who haz become human, however, iz united with Love, integrated with Love

Love sievez the mind, logic, thought and all our questioningz, hopes and feelingz 1 by 1

Love iz the highest feeling

When a human being becomez human, he/she attainz Love

A human being who knowz this wantz 2 become human, decidez 2 become human;

and 4 the sake of this word he/she triggerz apocalypsez, penetratez in2 the subconscious and superconscious, he/she fightz 4 Love

Love stealz the human from the human, then cooks him/her and givez him/her back

Love iz open 2 the human, like a day that haz rizen again

And yet Love iz tender, like a newborn baby;

It iz necessary 2 know how 2 appreciate itz value


- The Essence -

The Essence, me

The Essence, God

The Essence, Gen

The Essence, our only one

The Essence iz all of us

The Essence iz 2 cry;

2 sob, 2 swallow

The Essence iz 2 become human

The Essence iz the property of thoze who dezerve it

The Essence can be asked of both the mad and the Friendz of God

In fact, both R united in Love and in The Essence, have become one

What makes a person human R two thingz:

The Essence and Love;

It siftz and siftz from right and left, from our mad side and from our Friend of God side, it burnz and burnz, it beatz and beatz, it roastz and cooks, and finally the two come 2gether and become human


No, no, that'z not necessary

Theze don't work 4 us

Not necessary, not necessary, theze don't work 4 us

And our longingz R hidden in the millz of the serpentine stream that burnz and criez, looks and screamz, fliez and scatterz

Instead of serving the unknowable, my love

If the moon iz not changeable, my roze

I send accustomed red lightz 2 the sun, bright red

Rozez, carnationz, jasmine and a bouquet of violetz similar 2 me

Black and caressed, white and aged


Murky sea, cleaner than me

We R the only onez, alwayz without permission and recklessness

Who get uzed 2 climbing up the rain

Az we climb up the river

Against the current

From my walnutz, my treez, and 2 my branchez, my leavez

Your air, your water

2 my earth, 2 my sun

2 U, who offerz the deepest 4mationz


kRasNi siRius


'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız video playlist:





kRasNi siRius a.k.a. 'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız - THE ESSENCE [AI-Extended version of 'Zö']

 (Sözlerin Tükçe çevirisi alttadır.)

0:00 - 0:18:

🎶: "Zö"* by kRasNi siRius

a.k.a. 'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız

(28.05.2023, Istanbul)

[* LINK ]

Starting from 0:18 = AI-Extended by Suno

[ LINK ]

The lyrics R the translation of the poem "ÖZ" I wote in Türkçe, in ca. 1998, which I also had recited b4 on "DEĞiRMEN"*.

[* LINK ]


Sözlerin Türkçe çevirisi:

- ÖZ -

Öz, ben.

Öz, O.

Öz, gen.

Öz, biriciğimiz.

Öz, hepimiziz.

Öz, ağlamaktır;

  hıçkırmak, yutkunmaktır.

Öz, insan olmaktır.

Öz, hakedenin malıdır.

Öz, deliye de sorulur, veliye de.

Nitekim, ikisi de Aşk'ta ve Öz'de birleşmiştir, bir olmuştur.

Bir insanı insan yapan iki şeydir: Öz ve Aşk;

  sağdan ve soldan, deli yanımızdan ve veli yanımızdan eler de eler, yakar da yakar, vurur da vurur, kavurur, pişirir, sonunda ikisi birleşir, insan olur.


kRasNi siRius


'Kırmızı' Nazmî Akyıldız video playlist:


